Protect Yourself with Umbrella Insurance

Protect Yourself with Umbrella Insurance

Protect Yourself with Umbrella Insurance

In today's litigious society, lawsuits can arise unexpectedly, leaving individuals and businesses vulnerable to substantial financial losses. While standard insurance policies provide essential coverage, they may not always offer enough protection against high-dollar liability claims. That's where umbrella insurance comes in. At Intelli Choice Insurance, we're here to help you understand the value of umbrella insurance and why it's an essential layer of protection for your assets.

Additional Liability Coverage

Umbrella insurance, also known as excess liability insurance, provides additional liability coverage beyond the limits of your primary insurance policies, such as homeowners, auto, or business insurance. This extra layer of protection kicks in when the limits of your underlying policies are exhausted, offering peace of mind and financial security against catastrophic events.

Additional Liability Coverage

Broad Scope of Coverage

One of the key benefits of umbrella insurance is its broad scope of coverage. Umbrella policies typically provide coverage for a wide range of liability risks, including bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and even certain lawsuits not covered by other insurance policies, such as libel, slander, or defamation claims.


Another advantage of umbrella insurance is its affordability relative to the amount of coverage it provides. For a relatively low premium, you can secure millions of dollars in additional liability coverage, giving you substantial protection against the financial consequences of unexpected accidents or lawsuits.


Safeguard Your Assets

Umbrella insurance is especially valuable for individuals and families with significant assets to protect, as well as business owners who may face higher liability risks in their day-to-day operations. By adding an umbrella policy to your insurance portfolio, you can safeguard your hard-earned assets and protect your financial future against the uncertainties of life.

We understand the importance of comprehensive insurance coverage to protect what matters most to you. Contact us today to learn more about umbrella insurance options and how we can help you customize a policy that meets your unique needs and provides the peace of mind you deserve. With umbrella insurance, you can rest easy knowing that you're prepared for whatever life may bring.

Navigating Health Insurance Options

Navigating Health Insurance Options

Navigating Health Insurance Options

In today's complex healthcare landscape, choosing the right health insurance plan can feel like navigating a maze. With so many options available, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure about which plan is best suited to your needs. At Intelli Choice Insurance, we understand the importance of finding the right coverage to protect both your health and your finances. That's why we're here to guide you through the process of selecting the perfect health insurance plan for you and your family.

Understanding Your Needs

The first step in navigating health insurance options is understanding your own needs and priorities. Consider factors such as your budget, anticipated healthcare needs, preferred doctors and hospitals, and any specific health conditions that may require specialized care. By identifying your priorities upfront, you can narrow down your options and focus on plans that align with your individual circumstances.

understanding your own needs

Different Types of Health Insurance Plans

Next, familiarize yourself with the different types of health insurance plans available. These may include Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), Exclusive Provider Organizations (EPOs), and Point of Service (POS) plans. Each type of plan has its own unique features and benefits, so it's important to research and compare them carefully to determine which one best meets your needs.

Compare Plan Details

Once you've narrowed down your options, it's time to compare plan details such as premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance rates. Pay close attention to the coverage limits and exclusions of each plan, as well as any additional benefits or perks that may be included, such as prescription drug coverage, preventive care services, or telemedicine options.

compare plan details

Seek Guidance

Finally, don't hesitate to seek guidance from a licensed insurance agent who can provide personalized advice and assistance tailored to your specific situation. An experienced agent can help you understand your options, navigate the enrollment process, and answer any questions you may have along the way.

We're committed to helping you find the right health insurance solution for your needs. With our expertise and guidance, you can navigate the complex world of health insurance with confidence and peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you protect your health and your finances with the right coverage options.

Understanding the importance of COMPREHENSIVE vehicle insurance

The Importance of Comprehensive Vehicle Insurance

Understanding the importance of COMPREHENSIVE vehicle insurance

Comprehensive vehicle insurance is a type of coverage that protects your car against damage or loss from events other than collisions. While it's not required by law in all states, comprehensive insurance provides valuable protection that can help you avoid financial hardship in the event of unexpected incidents. Here's why comprehensive vehicle insurance is essential:

Protection against Non-Collision Events

Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your vehicle caused by events such as theft, vandalism, fire, hail, flood, falling objects, and animal collisions. Without comprehensive coverage, you would be responsible for paying for repairs or replacement out of pocket, which can be costly.

Protection against Non-Collision Events

Safeguarding Your Investment

A car is a significant financial investment, and comprehensive insurance helps protect that investment by providing coverage for damages that are beyond your control. Whether your car is stolen, damaged in a natural disaster, or vandalized, comprehensive insurance ensures you're not left bearing the full financial burden of repairs or replacement.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that you have comprehensive insurance coverage in place can provide peace of mind and confidence that you're financially protected against a wide range of risks. Instead of worrying about the potential costs of repairs or replacement, you can drive with confidence knowing that your insurance has you covered.

Lender Requirements

If you finance or lease your vehicle, your lender may require you to carry comprehensive insurance as part of the loan or lease agreement. Comprehensive coverage helps protect the lender's investment in the vehicle by ensuring it can be repaired or replaced if damaged or stolen.

Lender Requirements

Coverage for Unforeseen Events

While collision insurance covers damage from accidents involving other vehicles, comprehensive insurance extends coverage to a broader range of events that can damage your car. From weather-related incidents to acts of vandalism, comprehensive insurance provides coverage for unforeseen events that can occur at any time.

In conclusion, comprehensive vehicle insurance is a valuable investment that provides essential protection for your car against non-collision events. At Intelli Choice Insurance, we can review your current policy to ensure you have the coverage you need.By securing comprehensive coverage, you can safeguard your investment, enjoy peace of mind, and ensure you're prepared for unexpected incidents that can damage or jeopardize your vehicle.

How Insurance Can Support Gig Economy Workers

How Insurance Can Support Gig Economy Workers

How Insurance Can Support Gig Economy Workers

In the modern gig economy, where freelancers, independent contractors, and temporary workers thrive, traditional notions of employment and benefits are evolving rapidly. While the gig economy offers flexibility and autonomy, it also presents unique challenges and risks, particularly when it comes to financial stability and security. At Intelli Choice Insurance, we believe that insurance plays a crucial role in providing stability and peace of mind for gig economy workers.

No Employer-sponsored Benefits

One of the primary challenges faced by gig economy workers is the lack of employer-sponsored benefits, such as health insurance, disability insurance, and retirement plans. Without these benefits, gig workers are left vulnerable to financial hardship in the event of illness, injury, or other unexpected circumstances. That's where insurance comes in.

employer-sponsored benefits

Health Insurance Options

Health insurance is a critical form of protection for gig economy workers, providing coverage for medical expenses and helping to manage healthcare costs. While obtaining affordable health insurance can be challenging for freelancers and independent contractors, options such as individual health plans, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and short-term health insurance can provide essential coverage and peace of mind.

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is another important form of protection for gig economy workers, offering income replacement if they are unable to work due to illness or injury. Disability insurance can help cover everyday expenses such as rent, mortgage payments, utilities, and groceries, ensuring that gig workers can maintain their standard of living and meet their financial obligations during periods of disability.

Disability Insurance

Liability Insurance

Additionally, liability insurance is essential for gig economy workers who provide services or operate businesses on a freelance basis. Whether you're a rideshare driver, freelance writer, or independent consultant, liability insurance protects you against potential lawsuits and financial liabilities arising from your work activities.

At Intelli Choice Insurance, we understand the unique needs of gig economy workers and the importance of insurance in providing stability and security. Our experienced agents can help you navigate the complexities of insurance and find the coverage options that best meet your needs and budget. Contact us today to learn more about how insurance can support you in the gig economy and provide peace of mind for your future.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Pet Damage

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Pet Damage

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Pet Damage

Pets are cherished members of our families, but they can sometimes cause accidental damage to our homes. Whether it's a curious puppy chewing on furniture or a cat knocking over a valuable vase, pet-related incidents can result in unexpected repair costs. This leads many homeowners to wonder: does homeowners insurance cover pet damage?

Damages to Your Home

In most cases, homeowners insurance does not cover damage caused by your pets. Standard homeowners insurance policies typically exclude coverage for damage caused by animals you own or care for, including pets like dogs, cats, birds, and exotic animals. This means that if your pet damages your property or belongings, you'll likely be responsible for covering the repair or replacement costs out of pocket.

Damages to Your Home

Damage to Someone Else's Home

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If your pet causes damage to someone else's property or injures someone, your homeowners insurance liability coverage may provide protection. For example, if your dog escapes from your yard and bites a neighbor or damages their property, your liability coverage may help cover their medical bills or property repair costs, up to the limits of your policy.

Policy Endorsements

Additionally, some homeowners insurance policies offer optional endorsements or add-ons that provide coverage for pet-related damage. These endorsements may cover specific types of damage caused by pets, such as chewed furniture or scratched floors. However, it's essential to review your policy carefully and speak with your insurance agent to understand what types of pet damage are covered and any limitations or exclusions that may apply.

Policy Endorsements

Proactive Measures

To protect yourself from potential financial losses due to pet-related damage, consider taking proactive measures. Invest in training and obedience classes to help prevent destructive behaviors in your pets. Use pet gates, crates, or secure outdoor enclosures to limit your pet's access to areas where they could cause damage. And if you're concerned about potential liability issues, consider purchasing additional liability coverage or an umbrella insurance policy for extra protection.

In conclusion, homeowners insurance typically does not cover damage caused by your pets. While liability coverage may help if your pet injures someone or damages their property, it's essential to review your policy and consider optional endorsements for additional coverage. Taking preventive measures and being prepared can help you avoid unexpected expenses and protect your home and finances from pet-related incidents.

Dog Bite Liability

Dog Bite Liability

Dog Bite Liability

As a local insurance agent, it is important to understand the liability associated with dog bites. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), there are around 4.5 million dog bites in the United States each year, and the average liability insurance claim for dog bites is $17,5971. This is why it is crucial for dog owners to have the right insurance coverage to manage the expenses.

Restrictions to Coverage

Homeowners insurance policies usually cover dog bite liability, but it is important to understand the coverage restrictions and when dog bites are covered. The Insurance Information Institute (III) recommends that dog owners should be responsible and take measures to prevent dog bites, such as training their dogs and keeping them on a leash.

Dog Owner's Responsibility

What If You Get Bit?

In the event of a dog bite incident, it is important to take immediate action. The victim should seek medical attention, and the dog owner should provide their contact information and insurance details. The dog owner should also report the incident to their insurance company as soon as possible.

Education is Important

As a local insurance agent, it is important to educate dog owners about the risks associated with dog bites and the importance of having the right insurance coverage. It is also important to provide guidance on how to be a responsible dog owner and prevent dog bites from happening in the first place.


Risks of Dog Bites

In conclusion, dog bite liability is a serious issue that requires attention from both dog owners and insurance agents. Contact your Intelli Choice agent to take the necessary precautions. By having the right insurance coverage, dog owners can protect themselves and their pets from the financial consequences of a dog bite incident.

Can I Get Insurance After I Get in an Accident

Can I Get Insurance After I Get in an Accident

Can I Get Insurance After I Get in an Accident

Getting into a car accident can be a frightening and stressful experience, but it's important to remember that you are not alone. Many people have been in accidents before and have had to navigate the insurance process afterwards. If you're wondering whether you can get insurance after an accident, the answer is yes, you can, but it won't cover your accident.

Different Types of Insurance

First, it's important to understand the different types of insurance that are available. Liability insurance is the type of insurance that covers the cost of damages or injuries to other people or their property if you're at fault in an accident. Collision insurance covers the cost of damages to your own vehicle in an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Comprehensive insurance covers non-accident related damages to your vehicle, such as theft or weather damage.

how to create a budget

If you already have insurance, your policy may include liability, collision, or comprehensive coverage. If you were at fault in the accident, your liability insurance will cover the cost of damages to the other person's vehicle or property. If you have collision insurance, it will cover the cost of damages to your own vehicle, minus your deductible. If you have comprehensive insurance, it may cover the cost of damages to your vehicle if they were caused by something other than an accident.

Purchasing Insurance After an Accident

If you don't have insurance, you may be able to purchase a policy after the accident, but it may be more expensive than if you had purchased it before the accident. Insurance companies view people who have been in accidents as higher-risk customers, so they may charge higher premiums or require you to pay a higher deductible.

High Insurance Premiums

It's important to note that insurance companies have different policies and procedures when it comes to accidents, so it's a good idea to contact your insurance company as soon as possible after an accident to find out what your options are. They can walk you through the claims process and help you understand your coverage and any costs you may be responsible for.

In the end, while getting into a car accident can be a scary experience, it's important to know that you have options when it comes to insurance coverage. With the right coverage and support from your insurance company, you can get back on the road and move past the accident with peace of mind.

Insurance Claims A Guide to Filing

Navigating the Path to Successful Insurance Claims: A Guide to Filing with Confidence

Insurance Claims A Guide to Filing

As a Dave Ramsey trusted provider, Intelli Choice Insurance is committed to providing valuable, expert advice to our customers. Today, we'll walk you through the process of filing an insurance claim, whether you're dealing with homeowners or auto insurance, and events such as floods or auto accidents. We'll cover everything from gathering the necessary information to receiving your payout.

Be Prepared: Gather and Store Important Information

Before an emergency strikes, it's important to have all the necessary information ready. Here's a checklist of what you should gather and store:

Insurance policy numbers and documents
Insurance company contact information
Emergency contacts (e.g., medical, legal, or financial professionals)
Digital copies of essential documents (e.g., birth certificates, property deeds, or vehicle titles)

Keep both physical and digital copies of these documents in a secure place, such as a fireproof safe or encrypted cloud storage.

Important information for insurance claims

Initiating the Claim Process: Where to Start

When you need to file a claim, your first step should be contacting your insurance agent or carrier. They will guide you through the process and help determine the type of claim you need to file.
If you're dealing with a natural disaster or widespread event, be prepared for higher call volumes and potential wait times. In this case, it might be helpful to review your policy documents and prepare any necessary information in advance.

Timing Matters: When to File a Claim

Most insurance policies require you to file a claim as soon as reasonably possible after an incident. Delaying the claim process could result in the denial of coverage or reduced payouts.
Keep in mind that each state has specific deadlines for filing insurance claims, which may vary depending on the type of coverage and event. Consult with your insurance agent or carrier for guidance on filing deadlines.

When to File a Claim

The Essentials: What Information You'll Need

To ensure a smooth claims process, gather the following information:

Your policy number and insurance information
A detailed description of the incident, including date, time, and location
Photos or videos of the damage, if applicable
Witness statements, if available
Repair estimates, if applicable
Police or incident reports, if applicable

Receiving Your Payout: How Soon Will You Get Paid?

The timeline for receiving your insurance payout varies depending on the type of claim, your insurer, and the complexity of the incident. Most insurance companies aim to resolve claims promptly, often within 30 days of filing.
In some cases, such as natural disasters or widespread events, the claims process may take longer due to the volume of claims being processed. Stay in touch with your insurance agent or carrier for updates on the status of your claim.

How Soon Will You Get Paid from an Insurance Claim

By following these guidelines and partnering with a trusted insurance provider like Intelli Choice Insurance, you can confidently navigate the insurance claim process. No matter what life throws your way, rest assured that we're here to help protect your most valuable assets.
Don't hesitate to contact us today for assistance with the claim process. Our team of knowledgeable experts is ready to support you every step of the way.

Homeowners Insurance May Not Cover You in the Case of Flooding

Homeowner’s Insurance May Not Cover You In The Case of Floods

Homeowners Insurance May Not Cover You in the Case of Flooding

Homeowner's insurance is a great way to cover your property in case of disasters like theft, fire, and hail. However, floods in the United States cumulatively cause billions of dollars of damage per year, and yet they are almost never covered by standard homeowner's policies. If you live in an area prone to flooding you may be taking an unnecessary risk by passing up flood insurance, which can not only protect the value of your home but your possessions inside as well. If you are planning to buy a home in a potential flood zone as designated by FEMA, your lender may even require that you maintain active flood insurance.


Many areas of Cincinnati are particularly vulnerable to flooding due to their low-lying landscape and proximity to bodies of water such as the Little Miami River. During extreme weather events, these areas can quickly become overwhelmed and massive damage can result.

Flooding may not be covered


Snow melt-offs can be particularly devastating and can trigger flash floods; the Ohio River has a documented history of reaching flood levels over the first half of the year. If the temperature rises too quickly following a heavy snowfall, a rapid thawing process can result in quickly rising streams and rivers. This is especially true in areas with high elevation, as the melting snow has nowhere else to go but downstream. If the precipitation continues in the form of rain following the melt-off, this can exacerbate the problem and catastrophic flooding conditions can ensue. Additionally, run-off from urban streets and other impermeable surfaces can feed into bodies of water, causing them to overflow their banks even more quickly.


Flooding can cause massive damage to not only your possessions but also the support system and infrastructure of your home. Intelli Choice Insurance is in the business of providing peace of mind that you will be covered whenever disaster strikes.

As a Dave Ramsey endorsed provider, our processes and service have been reviewed to ensure that they are worthy of this recommendation and carry a client-centered mentality. Please feel free to reach out for a quote and to ask any questions about how we can best cover you.

Common Holiday Insurance Claims

Common Holiday Insurance Claims

Common Holiday Insurance Claims

As an insurance agent, I have seen many holiday insurance claims over the years. While going on holiday is supposed to be a time of relaxation and enjoyment, accidents and incidents can happen, and it's important to have the right insurance coverage to protect yourself and your belongings. Here are some of the most common holiday insurance claims that I have come across:

Medical Emergencies

This is by far the most common holiday insurance claim. Medical emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, and can be costly without the right coverage. Travel insurance typically covers medical expenses, including doctor visits, hospital stays, and emergency transportation, so it's important to make sure you have adequate coverage before you travel.

Travel Insurance for Medical Emergencies

Trip Cancellation

Sometimes unforeseen circumstances may arise that can cause you to cancel your holiday plans. This could be due to a family emergency, illness, or other unexpected events. Trip cancellation coverage can help you recoup your expenses if you need to cancel your trip due to a covered reason.

Lost or Stolen Luggage

Another common claim is lost or stolen luggage. This can be a frustrating experience, especially if you lose valuable items. Most travel insurance policies provide coverage for lost or stolen luggage, which can help you replace your belongings.

Travel Insurance for Lost or Stolen Luggage

Flight Delays and Cancellations

Flight delays and cancellations can cause a lot of stress and inconvenience, especially if you have connecting flights or important events to attend. With travel insurance, you can get compensation for additional expenses, such as meals and accommodation, if your flight is delayed or canceled.

Rental Car Accidents

If you plan to rent a car during your holiday, it's important to have insurance coverage. Rental car accidents can be costly, and without insurance, you may be responsible for paying for damages out of pocket.

Rental Car Accidents

In conclusion, holiday insurance is an essential investment for any traveler. While you can't always prevent accidents or incidents from happening, you can protect yourself and your belongings with the right coverage. By understanding the most common holiday insurance claims and ensuring you have adequate coverage, you can enjoy your holiday with peace of mind.