Top Tips For Saving Money On Home Insurance

Top Tips For Saving Money On Home Insurance

Top Tips For Saving Money On Home Insurance

Home insurance is a crucial investment that provides financial protection for your property and belongings in the event of unexpected disasters or accidents. While it's essential to have adequate coverage, there are several strategies you can use to save money on your home insurance premiums without sacrificing the quality of coverage. Here are some top tips for saving money on home insurance:

Shop Around

One of the most effective ways to save money on home insurance is to compare quotes from multiple insurance providers. Each insurer uses different criteria to calculate premiums, so shopping around allows you to find the best rates for your coverage needs.

Shop Around for Insurance

Bundle Your Policies

Many insurance companies offer discounts for bundling multiple policies, such as home and auto insurance. By consolidating your insurance coverage with one provider, you can often save money on premiums while simplifying your insurance management.

Increase Your Deductible

A deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. By choosing a higher deductible, you can lower your monthly premiums. Just be sure you can afford to pay the deductible in the event of a claim.

Improve Home Security

Installing security features such as smoke alarms, burglar alarms, deadbolt locks, and security cameras can reduce the risk of theft, vandalism, and fire damage, leading to lower insurance premiums.

Improve Home Security

Maintain a Good Credit Score

Insurance companies often use credit-based insurance scores to determine premiums. Maintaining a good credit score by paying bills on time, reducing debt, and managing credit responsibly can result in lower insurance rates.

Review Your Coverage Annually

As your circumstances change, so do your insurance needs. Reviewing your coverage annually with your insurance agent can help ensure you're not paying for more coverage than you need and identify opportunities to save money.

Review Your Coverage Annually

Ask About Discounts

Inquire with your insurance provider about available discounts for factors such as loyalty, home improvements, age of home, and membership in certain organizations or professions.

By implementing these tips, homeowners can save money on their insurance premiums while still maintaining comprehensive coverage to protect their homes and belongings. Our agents at Intelli Choice can regularly review your policy with you and explore additional ways to save you money on home insurance.

Coastal Property Insurance

About Coastal Property Insurance

Coastal Property Insurance

Coastal property insurance is a type of insurance that provides protection to homeowners and businesses located in coastal areas against losses that may result from natural disasters and weather-related events such as hurricanes, floods, and storms. Property owners living near the coast need to consider purchasing coastal property insurance to protect their property.

The cost of coastal property insurance varies depending on several factors, such as the location of the property, the age of the property, the type of construction, and the insurance coverage limit. In some areas, such as hurricane-prone regions, the cost of coastal property insurance can be higher than in other regions.

How location of the property effects insurance

It is essential to understand what types of events are covered by coastal property insurance policies. For instance, many coastal property insurance policies do not cover losses resulting from flooding, which is a significant risk for properties located near the coast. Property owners may need to purchase separate insurance for other events, such as a flood insurance policy.

It is also important to note that coastal property insurance policies often have deductibles that can be significantly higher than deductibles for other types of insurance policies. This means that property owners may need to pay a higher out-of-pocket expense before the insurance coverage kicks in. Property owners should carefully review their insurance policies and understand their deductibles to avoid any surprises when filing a claim.

Coastal Property Deductibles

In conclusion, coastal property insurance is highly valuable for homeowners and businesses located in coastal areas. It provides protection against losses resulting from natural disasters and weather-related events. Contact Intelli Choice today to ensure you have the appropriate insurance coverage to protect your investments. We have the expertise and knowledge to offer customized insurance policies that meet the unique needs of coastal property owners.

Surprising Things Insurance Will Not Cover

Surprising Things Insurance Will Not Cover

Surprising Things Insurance Will Not Cover

Insurance is a type of contract that provides financial protection to the policyholder against future uncertainties. It is designed to help individuals and businesses manage risks and minimize potential financial losses. However, there are some surprising things that insurance may not cover, which individuals should be aware of to avoid being caught off guard.

Intentional Acts

One of the surprising things that insurance may not cover is intentional acts. Insurance policies typically cover accidental damage or loss, but they do not cover intentional acts. For instance, if you deliberately damage your own property or cause harm to another person or their property, your insurance policy may not provide coverage.

Intentional Acts are not covered by insurance

Natural Disasters

Another thing that insurance may not cover is certain types of natural disasters. While most insurance policies cover natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods, there are some events that may not be covered. For instance, some policies do not cover damage caused by landslides, sinkholes, or volcanic eruptions.

Pests or Insects

Insurance may also not cover damages caused by pests or insects. If your home is infested with termites or rodents, your insurance policy may not cover the damage caused by these pests. This is because insurance policies typically do not cover damages caused by wear and tear or neglect.

pests or insects are not covered by insurance


Additionally, insurance may not cover damages caused by cybercrime. If your personal or business information is stolen or hacked, your insurance policy may not cover the resulting financial losses. While some insurance companies offer cyber insurance policies, they may not cover all types of cybercrime.

Damage Caused by Recreational Vehicles

Lastly, insurance may not cover damages caused by certain types of vehicles. If you own a recreational vehicle or a high-performance sports car, your insurance policy may not cover damages caused by these vehicles. This is because these vehicles are considered high-risk and may require additional coverage.

In conclusion, insurance is an essential tool to manage risks and protect against financial losses. However, it is important to understand what insurance policies cover and what they do not. Knowing what insurance may not cover can help individuals and businesses make informed decisions about their insurance needs and take appropriate measures to minimize potential financial losses.

dave ramsey insurance

What does it mean to be a Ramsey Trusted Provider?

dave ramsey insurance

Intelli Choice is an Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) in the Dave Ramsey Provider network.

Dave Ramsey is probably best known for his series, Financial Peace University.  If you haven’t heard of him, he is a best-selling author, financial guru, and the host of The Ramsey Show.  The Ramsey Solutions company defines its success by the number of lives changed and has a goal of helping ordinary people get out of debt and get control of their lives. Its mission is to provide “biblically based, commonsense education and empowerment that gives HOPE to everyone in every walk of life.”

On The Ramsey Show, callers frequently discuss some of the tougher financial issues in life.  Examples might include complicated real estate transactions, investing in life insurance, or creating a will.  Callers explain how, as they went out into the world to accomplish these tasks, they weren’t sure who they could turn to that they could trust. Because of this dilemma, a natural outgrowth of the show has been the Endorsed Local Providers program.  

Dave Ramsey has a mission to serve, but that doesn’t mean your neighbor with the side hustle has the same goal.

The ELP program is a network of professionals who have been vetted to be sure they know their stuff and share the Ramsey values. Endorsed Local Providers fall under the “Ramsey Trusted” umbrella and must meet three distinct criteria.  

First, they must go through a rigorous Ramsey vetting process. 

Second, they must participate in continuous Ramsey coaching. 

Third, they are evaluated by customers through a Ramsey Trusted scoring process based on service.  

It’s about consistency.  This means that the Ramsey Trusted name stands behind them as a provider you can trust to provide you with consistent results, service, and who adheres to the Ramsey values system.  The ELP program has over 20 years of development behind it.  If a company is on the list, it wasn’t by accident.

Intelli Choice has the distinction of being an Endorsed Local Provider.  When it comes time to find the best insurance rates and coverage for your circumstances, you can trust us to be focused on serving your needs first.  We are invested in the Ramsey mission, which means we are invested in you.   If you think we can serve you, give us a call.

Home Security Tips

Home Security Tips

Home Security Tips
Everyone wants to keep their home safe from burglars or intruders, but not everyone wants to have an alarm system installed. There are plenty of people who prefer the do-it-yourself route, whether it’s home improvement or home security.
And nowadays, there are more options than ever when it comes to home security, so we here at Intelli Choice Insurance want to help you sort through those options with a few tips.
Do-it-yourself options
The widespread availability of electronic tools means that homeowners can set up their own monitoring systems if they choose, without the help of a home-security company.
  1. Cameras: Smaller and more inexpensive than ever, cameras can be placed nearly anywhere on the exterior of your home and monitored from inside wirelessly – or set to record footage for review later. Available software even allows you to point your laptop camera in a particular direction (say, at the front door) and check the images from a remote location.
  2. Lights: Motion-detecting floodlights are an excellent deterrent to thieves, because they don’t want to be seen. If you add these, make sure they’re installed near entryways, and that they aren’t easily reached from the ground. And using timers for interior lights is a good way to give the appearance that your home is occupied.
  3. Alarms: Vibration alarms are available for windows, alerting you if someone is trying to get in. Similarly, other monitors can be installed near doors and programmed to sound if a person comes within a set distance. Some even emit barking sounds to make it sound like a dog is in the house.
Even if you aren’t interested in installing security equipment around your home, there are a number of things you can do to increase safety:
  1. Keep your home locked. It sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how many people leave windows or doors unlocked. Make sure that sliding doors and windows have extra security, such as a track lock or dowel in the track.
  2. Don’t leave a key outside. If you need to provide access to your home while you’re away, leave your key with a trusted neighbor or friend, not under the doormat
  3. Watch the landscaping. Thick shrubs and bushes around your porch or yard can give thieves a good place to hide. Keep them well-trimmed and ensure that problematic areas can be illuminated with your outdoor lighting.
  4. Use common sense. If you’re going away on vacation, cancel your newspaper and other deliveries. Ask a neighbor to keep watch, and park a car out front. Don’t post publicly on social media or leave a message on your answering machine or voicemail indicating that you’ll be away for an extended period.
Burglars really do consider deterrents such as alarms, cameras, dogs, etc. when looking at targets, according to a study released by the University of North Carolina. So a small investment in security can make a big difference!
Contact Us!
At Intelli Choice Insurance, we can work with you to make sure you’ve got the coverage you need, while at the same time using all possible credits and discounts to make that coverage affordable. Just give us a call at 513-777-3606 or send us a note at We want to help you meet your goals, and make sure what’s important to you is protected!